Liberty Insurance Mentakrifkan Pemberian Hadiah Krismas Dengan Mempromosikan Pemberian Insurans

Liberty Insurance mentakrifkan pemberian hadiah Krismas dengan mempromosikan pemberian insurans

Tradisi pemberian hadiah identik dengan Krismas. Ini sangat penting bagi pemberi dan penerima. Dikatakan ada banyak kegembiraan dalam memberi seperti menerima – terutama pada saat memerlukan seperti ini.

Tahun ini adalah peluang bagi kita untuk melihat semula pemberian hadiah dan melihat bagaimana kita dapat menjadikannya lebih bermakna bagi orang yang kita sayangi dan mereka yang sangat memerlukan. Hadiah yang tidak ternilai yang berkekalan – seperti pemberian perlindungan kewangan dan kesihatan, insurans adalah keinginan senyap yang sempurna dalam senarai keinginan orang yang anda sayangi yang tidak begitu berjaya dalam senarai Santa. Namun mungkin ia adalah yang paling penting dalam senarai. Kenapa?...

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Liberty Insurance redefines Christmas gift-giving by promoting the gift of insurance

The gift-giving tradition is synonymous to Christmas. It holds great significance for both the giver and recipient. It is said there is as much joy in giving as it in receiving – particularly in times of need such as these.

This year is a chance for us to relook at gift-giving and see how we can make it more meaningful for our loved ones and those who are most in need. A priceless gift that endures - like the gift of financial and health protection, insurance is the perfect silent wish on your loved one’s wish-list that didn’t quite make it to Santa list. Yet perhaps it is the most important one on the list. Why?...

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Tawau and Muar Branch Relocations

Dear Valued Customers,

To serve our customers better, we would like to inform that our branches in Tawau, Sabah and Muar, Johor have relocated.

Tawau Branch

TB4005, 1stFloor, 
Taman Berkeley, Batu 1, Jalan Apas
91000, Tawau, Sabah


Muar Branch (effective 1st February 2021)

No.41-17, 1st Floor, 
Jalan Abdul Rahman, 
84000, Muar, Johor


We will ensure to continuously provide exceptional customer experience to all our business partners and customers.

For any enquiries, please contact our customer care personnel at:

Tel: 03 2619 9000 or 1 300 888 990

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Liberty Insurance Uses Technology To Settle Policy Claims Faster For Flood Victims

Published on on 20 January 2021

Liberty Home Insurance

Liberty Insurance Malaysia has disbursed RM270,887 in settlement claims to policyholders in flood affected areas thanks to its proprietary state-of-the-art Video Appraisal technology. This timely development comes as part of the company’s digital adoption initiatives, and as a result, home and car policyholders who have protection plans with a flood cover will now be able to have their claims processed within just two to three working days, from up to seven days previously. 

According to Mr Puneet Pasricha, Liberty Insurance Chief Executive Officer, the company is cognizant of the dire situations facing the Rakyat, particularly in flood-ridden states such as Johor, Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Selangor, Perak and Sarawak.

“Recognising the added pressure and stress on claimants in these trying times, we are committed to ease their load where possible. While the technology and digital adoption paved the way to make this possible, our real drive to pioneer this effort is because we want to put people first.”

Mr Puneet Pasricha explained that the Video Appraisal technology allows Liberty Insurance’s examiners to virtually conduct surveys from their homes or office. Upon notification by the claimants, the claim will be registered within Liberty Insurance’s digital platform, using the claimant’s mobile number. Then, examiners will contact the given numbers to provide a linkage video with the claimants.  Examiners can then take photographs of the damages with guidance of the claimants using his or her phone at site. Once completed, the examiners will assess the damages from the photos taken and evaluate the claim amount and subsequently proceed with the offer to the claimant.

The company has activated its Claim Flood protocols involving branch personnel and external adjusters to provide claims services and surveys at affected areas including Pahang, Johor, Terengganu and Sarawak. 

For larger losses, Liberty Insurance is prepared to assist by compensating interim payments to alleviate the unfortunate situation and help our policyholders to recoup their losses faster.

To further simplify the process, the affected policyholders are not required to submit any documentation. Upon notification, Liberty Insurance personnel will assess the damages and present a settlement offer. If the amount is acceptable, a discharge voucher will be signed and the Company will proceed with payment processing.

The company has also established a dedicated toll-free customer care line for reporting of flood claims as well as any enquiries relating to submission, processing and status of their claim.

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Liberty pays out RM270,887 in settlement claims with quick turnaround Video Appraisal technology

Published on on 25 January 2021


KUALA LUMPUR, 20 January 2021: Liberty Insurance Malaysia Berhad (Liberty Insurance) has disbursed RM270,887 in settlement claims to policyholders in flood affected areas thanks to its proprietary state-of-the-art Video Appraisal technology. This timely development comes as part of the company’s digital adoption initiatives, and as a result, policyholders of Liberty Insurance’s House Owner, House Holder and Private Car EZY Plus (Comprehensive) protection plans with a flood cover will now be able to have their claims processed within just two to three working days, from up to seven days previously. This more than halves the average turnaround time for such claims. 

According to Mr Puneet Pasricha, Liberty Insurance Malaysia Berhad’s Chief Executive Officer, the company is cognizant of the dire situations facing the Rakyat, particularly in flood-ridden states such as Johor, Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Selangor, Perak and Sarawak. 

“Recognising the added pressure and stress on claimants in these trying times, we are committed to ease their load where possible. While the technology and digital adoption paved the way to make this possible, our real drive to pioneer this effort is because we want to put people first.”

“Our message to Malaysians is simple: We care for you! We are committed to deliver on our promises to provide protection to those in need and to do so promptly. We recognise that our policyholders in affected areas will need these payouts to rebuild their lives, and thanks to our proprietary technology, we can do our part in alleviating their burden,” Mr Puneet Pasricha said, highlighting that this is in line with the company’s mission to help people live safer, more secure lives.

Mr Puneet Pasricha also explained that the Video Appraisal technology allows Liberty Insurance’s examiners to virtually conduct surveys from their homes or office.

“Upon notification by the claimants, the claim will be registered within Liberty Insurance’s digital platform – Merimen system, using the claimant’s mobile number. Then, our examiners will contact the given numbers to provide a linkage video with the claimants.  Our examiners can then take photographs of the damages with guidance of the claimants using his phone at site,” he said. “Once completed, Liberty Insurance’s examiners will assess the damages from the photos taken and evaluate the claim amount and subsequently proceed with the offer to the claimant.”

The company has activated its Claim Flood protocols involving branch personnel and external adjusters to provide claims services and surveys at affected areas including Pahang, Johor, Terengganu and Sarawak.  

“This includes helping our policyholders affected with their claims, which are now simplified, and meting out compensations,” he added. 

For larger losses, Liberty Insurance is prepared to assist by compensating interim payments to alleviate the unfortunate situation and help our policyholders to recoup their losses faster. 

To further simplify the process, the affected policyholders are not required to submit any documentation. Upon notification, Liberty Insurance personnel will assess the damages and present a settlement offer. If the amount is acceptable, a discharge voucher will be signed and the Company will proceed with payment processing. 

The company has also established a dedicated toll-free customer care line for reporting of flood claims as well as any enquiries relating to submission, processing and status of their claim.
For more information on Liberty Insurance, check out:  Policyholders looking to make their flood claims can contact the company’s Customer Care Line (1-300-888-990).

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