A policy that is tailor-made to reduce your financial burden, by providing cover for foreign workers employed by your business. This insurance plan covers hospitalization and surgery at a non-corporatized Malaysian Government Hospital, caused due to illness or accidents.
  • Comprehensive Protection
    Present and future full-time foreign worker employees of the policyholder, aged 18-59 years are eligible
  • Daily Hospitalization
    Cover for daily hospital room and board for a maximum of 30 days and intensive care unit for a maximum 15 days
  • Fully-loaded Benefits
    Includes hospital supplies and services, operating theatre, surgical & anesthetist fees, in-hospital visits & consultation, as well as ambulance & medical report fees
  • Hassle-free Claims
    Enjoy the convenience of fast and hassle-free claims for your foreign employees

More Information

To Prospective Policyholder

This page contains important information about your Insurance. You should read all the information carefully to make sure that you fully understand it and that it meets your needs. You are advised to read through the checklist below which explains the essential features of the SKHPPA so that you are able to make an informed decision before purchasing the policy. If you have any inquiries, please seek clarification from your insurance intermediary or any Liberty General Insurance Berhad ("the Company") office nearest to you. 

  • The benefits payable under the policy are highlighted in the "Description of Benefits/Coverage."
  • This is a yearly renewable plan, whereby the premiums and benefits are subject to review from time to time. Any changes to benefits and premium can only be imposed by the Company on policy anniversary with 30 days written notice based on the emerging claims experience of the portfolio.
  • Cover ceases from the time your foreign worker leaves Malaysia and resumes upon his/her return to Malaysia.


Proposal Form
Policy Wording
Product Disclosure Sheet

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