Face life’s challenges, secure in the knowledge that you and your family are sufficiently covered against any medical or surgical emergency. This cashless admission plan guarantees immediate cashless hospital admission, carries four distinct plans with worldwide coverage, and can be renewed up to 70 years of age. True to its name, it certainly is the star medical insurance policy in Malaysia.

Lowest Premiums

Attractive Discount Features

Surgical & Medical Benefits

Additional Benefits
More Information
We wish to inform you that due to the rapidly rising health cost which has outweighed the premium collected, we are revising the premium to ensure coverage is sustainable for everyone.
Medistar's premium revision shall be effective on 1/8/2023 on a staggered approach for a period of 3 years in accordance to the Insured's age band and plan. The staggered premium will end on 1/8/2026, after which the premium will be charged in full, according to the premium table.
For more information about the revision of premium, please refer to the Medistar Revision Premium FAQs.
Peace Of Mind Comes With A Comprehensive Health Insurance - MediStar
Total peace of mind is knowing that if a tragedy were to strike, you and your loved ones will be ready with sufficient financial and medical coverage. This reassuring thought will definitely eliminate any stress and anxiety that might arise in these trying times.
You are rest assured that MediStar will take care of everything. Our comprehensive coverage in medical, surgical & hospitalization expenses, ambulance fees and other related medical charges, helps you to breathe easy and prevents you from worrying about things other than your health.
The MediStar cashless admission plan, which is complimented with a MediStar Medical Card, guarantees immediate cashless hospital admission and upon discharge you only need to settle all excess charges. The Medical Card also offers a range of other benefits such as a daily cash allowance and attractive discount features.
Liberty General Insurance Berhad has appointed Asia Assistance Network (M) Sdn. Bhd. (AAN) as the Administrator of services for our MediStar plan. AAN with its 24-hour service network will help facilitate your convenient admission to and discharge from a hospital 7 days a week.
Call toll free number 1 800 880 350 for more details.
From RM1.25 Per Day
You can enjoy financial security and total peace of mind by investing from RM1.25 a day. Your lunch will cost more than that!
24Hours Cashless Admission
Just present your Medical Card for immediate admission. No cash deposit is required.
Attractive Discount Features
No Claim Discount (NCD):
If you do not make a claim during the period of insurance, the premium charged upon renewal will be discounted.
2 consecutive years preceding renewal | 10% discount on standard premium |
3 consecutive years preceding renewal | 15% discount on standard premium |
4 consecutive years preceding renewal | 20% discount on standard premium |
Family Discount (FD)
This is a special discount to be given if your dependants are insured under the same policy:
Insured + Spouse | 5% discount on standard premium |
Insured + Children | 5% discount on standard premium |
Insured + Spouse + Children | 10% discount on standard premium |
Hospital Benefits
a) Surgical Benefits
- Up to RM40,000 per any one disability including Surgical and Anaesthetist’s Fees
- Organ Transplantation - Costs up to RM50,000 per lifetime (Heart, Kidney, Lung or Liver Transplantation)
b) Non - Surgical Benefits
- Up to RM40,000 per any one disability
c) Hospital Confinement Benefits
- Room & Board – From RM100 to RM300 daily and payable up to maximum stay of 150 days per any one disability
- Intensive Care Unit
- Hospital Supplies & Services including Operating Theatre
d) Pre & Post Hospital Treatment
- Up to 31 days before admission or after discharge
e) Outpatient Services/Benefits
- Physiotherapy Treatment
- Outpatient Cancer Treatment
- Outpatient Kidney Dialysis
- Emergency Accidental Treatment
- Home Nursing
f) Accidental Death Benefit – Up to RM15,000
- In these circumstances, policyholders nearest kin are entitled to receive up to RM15,000
g) Local Ambulance Services
- Ambulance service from government and private hospitals are available
h) Overall Annual Limit Up To RM120,000 Cover Per Person
- MediStar customers will receive up to RM120,000 financial coverage in one single year
i) Overall Lifetime Limit Up To RM360,000 Cover Per Person
- MediStar customers will receive up to RM360,000 financial coverage throughout their life
j) Twenty-Four (24) Hours Worldwide Coverage
- Receive the best treatment from any registered government or private hospitals worldwide at anytime
k) Daily Cash Allowance
- MediStar customers are entitled to receive a fixed amount for everyday expenses upon admission at government hospital only.
We Provide A Comprehensive Medical Coverage Scheme
I-Comprehensive Scheme
Where the eligible Medical Expenses will be payable on “AS CHARGED OR FULL REIMBURSEMENT” basis.
We offer four (4) types of Plans for you to choose from.
1. Premiums
This is an annual contract and a yearly renewable policy which until terminated shall be renewed each year on the Anniversary of the due date.
1.1 Initial Premium
Your first annual premium you pay is based according to the type of benefits and the plan you purchase and your occupation together with your age (next birthday).
1.2 Renewal Premium
1.2.1 Your annual renewal premium in future will increase by your attained age according to the Age Bands, your claims experience, health status or changes in your policy terms, occupation, business, pursuits or sporting activity or other material changes or risks.
1.2.2 The past trends on the increase in premium rates will not necessarily reflect the future trend of your premium.
1.3 Policy Renewal and Lapsed Policy
1.3.1 The renewal of the policy is guaranteed after the completion of 2 consecutive years of the policy, provided that there is no claim incurred in the previous 2 years. If there is a claim incurred within the first 2 years of policy inception, the insured person would still qualify for the guaranteed renewals subject to exclusion, excess or premium loading.
1.3.2 The policy shall automatically terminate or lapse, if you fail to pay the premium when it is due. Any lapsed policy will be treated as a new application. The above mentioned conditions are not exhaustive and the premium rates may be reviewed or policy renewal declined under other justified circumstances.
2. "Free-Look Period" Of 15 Days
You are given a “Free–Look Period”/“Cooling–Off Period” of up to 15 days from the delivery date of the policy to review the suitability of your policy. If you are not satisfied with the cover you may return the policy to the Company during this period, and we will return the full premiums to you minus the deduction for medical expenses incurred by the Company on the issue of the Policy.
Age Limit
The plans shall cover eligible persons between the ages of 30 days to 60 years, renewable up to 70 years.
3. What Is Not Payable Under The Policy
3.1 Policy Exclusions
This contract does not cover any hospitalisation, surgery or charges caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by any one (1) of the following occurrences:
(a) Pre – existing illness.
(b) Specified illnesses occurring during the first 120 days of continuous cover.
(c) Any medical or physical conditions arising within the first 30 days of the Insured Person’s cover or date reinstatement whichever is latest except for accidental injuries.
(d) Plastic/Cosmetic surgery, circumcision, eye examination, glasses and refraction or surgical correction of nearsightedness (Radial Keratotomy or Lasik) and the use or acquisition of external prosthetic appliances or devices such as artificial limbs, hearing aids, implanted pacemakers and prescriptions thereof.
(e) Dental conditions including dental treatment or oral surgery except as necessitated by accidental injuries to sound natural teeth occurring wholly during the Period of Insurance.
(f) Private nursing, rest cures or sanitaria care, illegal drugs, intoxication, sterilization, venereal disease and its sequelae, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) or ARC (AIDS Related Complex) and HIV related diseases, and any communicable diseases required quarantine by law.
(g) Any treatment or surgical operation for congenital abnormalities or deformities including hereditary conditions.
(h) Pregnancy, child birth (including surgical delivery), miscarriage, abortion and prenatal or postnatal care and surgical, mechanical, or chemical contraceptive methods of birth control or treatment pertaining to infertility. Erectile dysfunction and tests or treatment related to impotence or sterilization.
(i) Hospitalisation primarily for investigatory purposes, diagnosis, X–ray examination, general physical or medical examinations, not incidental to treatment or diagnosis of a covered Disability or any treatment which is not Medically Necessary and any preventive treatments, preventive medicines or examinations carried out by a Physician, and treatments specifically for weight reduction or gain.
(j) Suicide, attempted suicide, or intentionally self–inflicted injury while sane or insane.
(k) War or any act of war, declared or undeclared, criminal or terrorist activities, active duty in any armed forces, direct participation in strikes, riots and civil commotion or insurrection.
(l) Ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or nuclear waste from process of nuclear fission or from any nuclear weapons material.
(m) Expenses incurred for donation of any body organ by an Insured Person and costs of acquisition of the organ including all costs incurred by the donor during organ transplant and its complications.
(n) Investigation and treatment of sleep and snoring disorders, hormone replacement therapy and alternative therapy such as treatment, medical services or supplies, including but not limited to chiropractic services, acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology, bonesetting, herbalist treatment, massage or aroma therapy or other alternative treatment.
(o) Care or treatment for which payment is not required or to the extent which is payable by any other insurance or indemnity covering the Insured and Disabilities arising out of duties of employment or profession that is covered under a Workman’s Compensation Insurance Contract.
(p) Psychotic, mental or nervous disorders, (including any neuroses and their physiological or psychosomatic manifestations).
(q) Costs/expenses of services of non–medical nature, such as television, telephones, telex services, radios or similar facilities, admission kit/pack and other ineligible non–medical items.
(r) Sickness or injury arising from racing of any kind (except foot racing), hazardous sports such as but not limited to skydiving, water skiing, underwater activities requiring breathing apparatus, winter sports, professional sports and illegal activities.
(s) Private flying other than as a fare–paying passenger in any commercial scheduled airlines licensed to carry passengers over established routes.
(t) Expenses incurred for sex changes.
3.2 Residence Overseas
Any person who resides outside Malaysia for more than three (3) months continuously.
3.3 Overseas Treatment
1. Unless you are travelling abroad for a reason other than for medical treatment and as a consequence of Medical Emergency.
2. Unless the specialized nature of the treatment, aid, information or decision required could neither be rendered nor furnished nor taken in Malaysia.
3.4 "Pre-Existing Illnesses
Pre–existing illness/conditions shall mean disabilities that the Insured Person has reasonable knowledge of. An Insured Person may be considered to have reasonable knowledge of a pre–existing condition where the condition is one for which :-
a) the Insured Person had received or is receiving treatment;
b) medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment has been recommended;
c) clear and distinct symptoms are or were evident; or
d) its existence would have been apparent to a reasonable person in the circumstances.
3.5 Special Illnesses
Specified illnesses shall mean the following disabilities and its related complications, occurring within the first 120 days of Insurance of the Insured Person:
a) Hypertension, diabetes mellitus, Cardiovascular disease and Varicose Veins.
b) All tumours, cancers, cysts, nodules, polyps, stones of the urinary system and biliary system.
c) All ear, nose (including sinuses) and throat conditions
d) Hernias, haemorrhoids, fistulae, hydrocele, varicocele
e) Endometriosis including disease of the Reproduction system
f) Vertebro – spinal disorders (including disc) and knee conditions.
3.6 Waiting Period
Any treatment for illness/injury received within 30 days after the effective date of insurance coverage except treatment for bodily injury arising from a covered accident.
4 Policy Limitations
We will not pay you full or up to the limits shown in the Schedule of Benefits under the following circumstances:
4.2 Contribution
If you have any other insurance in force or is entitled to indemnity from any Other Source in respect of the same bodily injury, sickness, disease, death, or expense, this policy will not provide full compensation other than on a proportionate basis. If you have MORE THAN ONE POLICY UNDER US, we will consider you to be insured under the policy, which provides the largest amount of Benefits.
4.3 Stent/Lens
Medical devices such as stent/lens - Maximum payable is RM5,000 per stent. - Maximum payable is RM700 per lens.
4.4 Eligibility of Dependant
Unmarried children over 30 days old but under 19 years of age or 23 years of age if still on full-time higher education, and who are not gainfully employed.
4.5 Enrollment of Dependant
Children between the ages of 30 days and 18 years must be enrolled together with one of their parents. The plans chosen for spouse and children must be the same as the proposer.
PLANS | PLAN 1 | PLAN 2 | PLAN 3 | PLAN 4 |
Daily Room & Board (Max. 150 days) | RM100 | RM150 | RM250 | RM300 |
Intensive Care Unit (Max. 75 days) | AS CHARGED | |||
Hospital Supplies & Services (including Operating Theatre) | AS CHARGED | |||
Pre - Admission Diagnostic Services (within 31 days before admission) | AS CHARGED | |||
Pre – Surgical Specialist Consultation (within 31 days before admission) | ||||
Surgical & Anaesthetic Fees | ||||
Post Hospitalisation Treatment (within 31 days after discharge) | ||||
Physiotherapy Treatment (within 31 days after discharge) | ||||
MAXIMUM PER ANY ONE DISABILITY | RM15,000 | RM20,000 | RM30,000 | RM40,000 |
Pre - Hospital Diagnostic Services (within 31 days before admission) | ||||
Pre – Hospitalisation Specialist Consultation (within 31 days before admission) | ||||
Daily In - Hospital Physician’s Visits | ||||
Post Hospitalisation Treatment (within 31 days after discharge) | ||||
MAXIMUM PER ANY ONE DISABILITY | RM15,000 | RM20,000 | RM30,000 | RM40,000 |
Emergency Accidental Treatment | AS CHARGED | |||
Annual Outpatient Cancer Treatment | RM15,000 | RM25,000 | RM35,000 | RM45,000 |
Annual Kidney Dialysis Treatment | RM15,000 | RM25,000 | RM35,000 | RM45,000 |
Lodger Expenses (Guardian Allowance) | RM50 | RM60 | RM80 | RM100 |
Medical Report Fee | RM80 | RM80 | RM80 | RM80 |
Home Nursing (within 31 days after discharge) | RM100 | RM125 | RM150 | RM175 |
6) ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION (ONCE PER LIFETIME) | RM20,000 | RM30,000 | RM40,000 | RM50,000 |
Daily Cash Allowance | RM50 | RM60 | RM80 | RM100 |
8) ACCIDENTAL DEATH BENEFIT | RM5,000 | RM7,500 | RM12,500 | RM15,000 |
9) SERVICES TAX | 0% | |||
10) OVERALL ANNUAL LIMIT | RM40,000 | RM60,000 | RM100,000 | RM120,000 |
11) OVERALL LIFETIME LIMIT | RM120,000 | RM180,000 | RM300,000 | RM360,000 |
Table 1: Gross Premium (RM) New Business effective from 1/8/2023 Renewal Business effective from 1/10/2023 |
Age Next Birthday | Plan 1 (RM) | Plan 2 (RM) | Plan 3 (RM) | Plan 4 (RM) |
30days – 10 years (children) | 458 | 540 | 826 | 944 |
11 years – 18 years | 395 | 464 | 708 | 810 |
19 years – 25 years | 489 | 577 | 883 | 1,011 |
26 years – 30 years | 552 | 652 | 1,001 | 1,145 |
31 years – 35 years | 670 | 794 | 1,183 | 1,356 |
36 years – 40 years | 773 | 917 | 1,369 | 1,569 |
41 years – 45 years | 876 | 1,041 | 1,554 | 1,783 |
46 years – 50 years | 1,048 | 1,245 | 1,863 | 2,137 |
51 years – 55 years | 1,890 | 2,250 | 2,575 | 2,954 |
56 years – 60 years | 2,186 | 2,602 | 2,979 | 3,418 |
61 years – 65 years (renewal only) | 2,975 | 3,547 | 4,061 | 4,660 |
66 years – 70 years (renewal only) | 3,961 | 4,725 | 5,411 | 6,213 |
Table 2: Gross Premium (RM) Effective from 1/8/2024 |
Age Next Birthday | Plan 1 (RM) | Plan 2 (RM) | Plan 3 (RM) | Plan 4 (RM) |
30days – 10 years (children) | 458 | 540 | 958 | 1,096 |
11 years – 18 years | 395 | 464 | 821 | 939 |
19 years – 25 years | 489 | 577 | 1,026 | 1,174 |
26 years – 30 years | 552 | 652 | 1,163 | 1,331 |
31 years – 35 years | 765 | 907 | 1,388 | 1,592 |
36 years – 40 years | 883 | 1,049 | 1,607 | 1,844 |
41 years – 45 years | 1,001 | 1,190 | 1,827 | 2,095 |
46 years – 50 years | 1,199 | 1,424 | 2,190 | 2,512 |
51 years – 55 years | 2,287 | 2,724 | 3,069 | 3,521 |
56 years – 60 years | 2,646 | 3,151 | 3,551 | 4,076 |
61 years – 65 years (renewal only) | 3,604 | 4,297 | 4,844 | 5,559 |
66 years – 70 years (renewal only) | 4,799 | 5,725 | 6,457 | 7,414 |
Table 3: Gross Premium (RM) Effective from 1/8/2025 |
Age Next Birthday | Plan 1 (RM) | Plan 2 (RM) | Plan 3 (RM) | Plan 4 (RM) |
30days – 10 years (children) | 458 | 540 | 1,091 | 1,248 |
11 years – 18 years | 395 | 464 | 934 | 1,069 |
19 years – 25 years | 489 | 577 | 1,168 | 1,338 |
26 years – 30 years | 552 | 652 | 1,325 | 1,517 |
31 years – 35 years | 860 | 1,020 | 1,594 | 1,828 |
36 years – 40 years | 994 | 1,180 | 1,846 | 2,118 |
41 years – 45 years | 1,127 | 1,339 | 2,099 | 2,408 |
46 years – 50 years | 1,350 | 1,604 | 2,517 | 2,888 |
51 years – 55 years | 2,684 | 3,197 | 3,563 | 4,089 |
56 years – 60 years | 3,107 | 3,699 | 4,124 | 4,734 |
61 years – 65 years (renewal only) | 4,232 | 5,046 | 5,627 | 6,459 |
66 years – 70 years (renewal only) | 5,638 | 6,725 | 7,502 | 8,616 |
Note: Additional RM 10.00 Stamp Duty is applicable for each policy.
Q. Why do I need this plan?
A. Because hospital costs could be substantial and could wipe out your precious savings. The last thing you want to worry about when you have to be admitted is money!
Q. When does my cover begin?
A. During the first 30 days of membership, the policy excludes medical treatment unless necessitated by an accident. Thereafter, the full cover applies.
Q. Is there a waiting period?
A. Yes, 30 days from effective date of policy unless resulting from accident.
Q. If I renew my policy, will the 30-day waiting period apply?
A. No.
Q. Will Liberty Insurance Berhad also cover outpatient hospital bills?
A. Yes. Your outpatient bills for accidental injuries will be covered. Charges for out-patient specialist, consultations and diagnostic tests are also covered if the insured person is subsequently hospitalized for treatment within one month of such consultations.
Q. Is the coverage worldwide?
A. Yes, this policy is applicable worldwide for twenty-four (24) hours a day and you are covered up to 90 days from the day you leave Malaysia. The benefits payable will be subjected to the reasonable and customary charges on the basis that the cost for the said treatment would be reasonably charge by a Hospital/Physician in Malaysia.
Q. Does the plan have geographical scope?
A. MediStar provides worldwide cover, subject to the treatment provisions stated in the policy. If while you were abroad and due to medical emergency or if treatment is not available in Malaysia, any covered treatment cost will be met up to the customary treatment cost in Malaysia. This does not include transportation cost.
Q. Who can join the plan?
A. Any person who resides in Malaysia and who is not more than 60 years of age and not less than 30 days at the first enrollment.
Q. Can I include any dependant (spouse and child) during policy period or on renewal?
A. Yes. However, application to enroll dependant/s must be made at inception or upon renewal of the policy only (other than a newly born child who is below 2 (two) months old but eligibility for insurance cover will commence only after 30 days of birth).
Q. How much can I claim?
A. You may claim up to the Overall Annual Limit under the chosen plan or up to the lifetime limit.
Q. Can I seek treatment at a Non-Panel Hospital?
A. Yes. However, the MediStar customer has to pay first and seek reimbursement later, based on Customary and Reasonable charges.
Q. Does your company pay for the cost of the medical report?
A. Yes. Maximum limit per claim is RM80.
Q. May I upgrade my plan?
A. Yes, you may. However, any request to upgrade can only be done during renewal subject to your claim experience.
Q. In the event of hospitalisation, who do i contact?
A. Just call Asia Assistance Network at 1800880350.
Q. When will the premium revision of the MediStar take place?
New Policies
All new policies with effective dates commencing on or after 1/8/2023 shall be based on the revised premium rates.
Existing Policies (renewal)
All existing policies with expiry dates on or after 1/10/2023 shall be based on the revised premium rates.
Q. What will be the increase in my premium if it is staggered over a period of three years?
The staggered increase in premium will end on 1/8/2026, after which the premium will be charged in full as per Table 3 below.
Table 1: Gross Premium (RM) New Business effective from 1/8/2023 Renewal Business effective from 1/10/2023 |
Age Next Birthday | Plan 1 (RM) | Plan 2 (RM) | Plan 3 (RM) | Plan 4 (RM) |
30days – 10 years (children) | 458 | 540 | 826 | 944 |
11 years – 18 years | 395 | 464 | 708 | 810 |
19 years – 25 years | 489 | 577 | 883 | 1,011 |
26 years – 30 years | 552 | 652 | 1,001 | 1,145 |
31 years – 35 years | 670 | 794 | 1,183 | 1,356 |
36 years – 40 years | 773 | 917 | 1,369 | 1,569 |
41 years – 45 years | 876 | 1,041 | 1,554 | 1,783 |
46 years – 50 years | 1,048 | 1,245 | 1,863 | 2,137 |
51 years – 55 years | 1,890 | 2,250 | 2,575 | 2,954 |
56 years – 60 years | 2,186 | 2,602 | 2,979 | 3,418 |
61 years – 65 years (renewal only) | 2,975 | 3,547 | 4,061 | 4,660 |
66 years – 70 years (renewal only) | 3,961 | 4,725 | 5,411 | 6,213 |
Table 2: Gross Premium (RM) Effective from 1/8/2024 |
Age Next Birthday | Plan 1 (RM) | Plan 2 (RM) | Plan 3 (RM) | Plan 4 (RM) |
30days – 10 years (children) | 458 | 540 | 958 | 1,096 |
11 years – 18 years | 395 | 464 | 821 | 939 |
19 years – 25 years | 489 | 577 | 1,026 | 1,174 |
26 years – 30 years | 552 | 652 | 1,163 | 1,331 |
31 years – 35 years | 765 | 907 | 1,388 | 1,592 |
36 years – 40 years | 883 | 1,049 | 1,607 | 1,844 |
41 years – 45 years | 1,001 | 1,190 | 1,827 | 2,095 |
46 years – 50 years | 1,199 | 1,424 | 2,190 | 2,512 |
51 years – 55 years | 2,287 | 2,724 | 3,069 | 3,521 |
56 years – 60 years | 2,646 | 3,151 | 3,551 | 4,076 |
61 years – 65 years (renewal only) | 3,604 | 4,297 | 4,844 | 5,559 |
66 years – 70 years (renewal only) | 4,799 | 5,725 | 6,457 | 7,414 |
Table 3: Gross Premium (RM) Effective from 1/8/2025 |
Age Next Birthday | Plan 1 (RM) | Plan 2 (RM) | Plan 3 (RM) | Plan 4 (RM) |
30days – 10 years (children) | 458 | 540 | 1,091 | 1,248 |
11 years – 18 years | 395 | 464 | 934 | 1,069 |
19 years – 25 years | 489 | 577 | 1,168 | 1,338 |
26 years – 30 years | 552 | 652 | 1,325 | 1,517 |
31 years – 35 years | 860 | 1,020 | 1,594 | 1,828 |
36 years – 40 years | 994 | 1,180 | 1,846 | 2,118 |
41 years – 45 years | 1,127 | 1,339 | 2,099 | 2,408 |
46 years – 50 years | 1,350 | 1,604 | 2,517 | 2,888 |
51 years – 55 years | 2,684 | 3,197 | 3,563 | 4,089 |
56 years – 60 years | 3,107 | 3,699 | 4,124 | 4,734 |
61 years – 65 years (renewal only) | 4,232 | 5,046 | 5,627 | 6,459 |
66 years – 70 years (renewal only) | 5,638 | 6,725 | 7,502 | 8,616 |
Q. Will my renewal premium increase if my age on the next birthday reaches the next category of age grouping?
Yes, your renewal premium will increase accordingly if your age on the next birthday reaches the next grouping category. This increase will be on a staggered approach for a period of three years, starting from 1/10/2023.
Example 1
Age | Age Grouping | Period of Insurance | Plan | Premium |
30 | 26-30 years | 1/10/2022 – 30/9/2023 | 1 | RM 367 |
31 | 31-35 years | 1/10/2023 – 30/9/2024 | 1 | RM 670 |
Example 2
Age | Age Grouping | Period of Insurance | Plan | Premium |
45 | 41-45 years | 1/10/2022 – 30/9/2023 | 3 | RM 1,554 |
46 | 46-50 years | 1/10/2023 – 30/9/2024 | 3 | RM 2,190 |
Q. Can I change plans during mid-term revision of premium?
You may only change your plan upon policy renewal. However, any plans that involve an upgrade are subject to underwriting assessment and approval.
Q. Is the premium for the MediStar guaranteed?
As stated in the Policy Wording, the premium is not guaranteed. We reserve the right to change the premium. Any change in premium shall apply to all Policyholders purchasing the same plan and shall commence from the next Renewal Date. We shall write to inform You of the change in the premium by giving you at least 30 days’ prior written notice.
Q. Why is there a change in the premium of the MediStar?
The change in premium is mainly contributed by the increase in medical and treatment costs in Malaysia due to reasons such as advances in medical devices and drugs, specialist fees, procedures, more sophisticated services, global inflation trends and increase in utilization of services. Medical inflation usually tends to be even higher than overall inflation.
According to our records, 77 out of 1,000 policy owners made a claim compared to 83 out of 1,000 policy owners 5 years ago. Additionally, each claim on average has increased from RM 5,298 to RM 8,085. As a result, we have to adjust our premium rates to ensure that we can continue to provide the same level of coverage to all of our policyholders.
The average 3 years inflation rate of medical costs is estimated around 15% for the period of 1/1/2020 to 31/12/2022.
Q. I have not made any claims on my medical policy. Why am I subjected to the premium increase?
Medical Health insurance operates on a risk sharing basis in which the combined insurance premiums for the pool of policyholders are collected and utilized for payment of claims. As such, revision to the insurance premium will be applicable to all affected policyholders.
Q. Are there any changes to my MediStar benefits?
There are no changes to your policy benefits.
Q. How is this increase in my policy premium determined?
This increase in premium is based on the portfolio’s overall claim experience of different age bands and plans, taken into consideration with similar products in the market.
Q. Do I have other options besides paying the revised premium?
If affordability is a concern, you have the following options:
- Seek further advice from agent or customer care personnel for an alternative plan that suits your needs.
- Downgrade within your existing plan. (Downgrading can be done WITHOUT Underwriting)
- Switch to other Health product subject to Underwriting consideration.
Q. How can I cancel my policy?
You may cancel your policy at any time by giving a written notice to us. Upon cancellation, you are entitled to a certain amount of refund of the premium for the unexpired paid period from the date of cancellation provided that no claims have been made during the current Policy year. The refund formula is as stated in Policy Jacket.
Please be advised that if you discontinue/ terminate the existing policy, you will have to bear the medical expenses at your own cost.
Q. What are the disadvantages on switching policy from one insurer to another?
One of the main disadvantages is that if your current health status is less favorable to the new insurer, new terms may be imposed to exclude such illness(es). To ensure continuous cover is provided, you are advised to check with us on the accepting terms prior to your policy expiry date.
Q. How can I renew my medical insurance?
You may complete the following form(s) and submit to your agent or at our nearest branch in order for us to proceed with your renewal. However, acceptance for upgrading of plan upon renewal is subject to underwriting assessment and approval.
- Renewal Notice – if maintain same product and plan.
- Proposal Form – if change product or plan, kindly complete a new proposal form indicating the product and plan you intend to renew to. (if any)
- Personal Health Declaration form (if any).
Q. Who should I contact if I need further information?
Should you need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our Call Centre at Toll Free Number: 1-300-888-990. For more information, you may also visit our website www.libertyinsurance.com.my