Insurance gets an upgrade in Malaysia with Liberty's world-class services

This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as: Local insurance gets an upgrade with Liberty's world-class services.


As regional economic integration becomes an imminent reality through the creation of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) this year, opportunities abound for businesses looking to expand their global operations and forge cross-cultural partnerships across the Asia-Pacific's growing markets. Liberty Insurance in Malaysia combines the high-calibre global expertise of multinational insurer Liberty Mutual Insurance Group and the 38-year tenure of Uni.Asia General Insurance serving Malaysia's local retail and auto industries. With economic prosperity fuelling the urbanisation and increasing affluence of Malaysia's growing population, the rebranded insurance company is in a strategic position to extend its portfolio as one of the leading providers of premier insurance services across the nation. "We pride ourselves on being a one-stop shop for Malaysia's auto insurance needs," says CEO David Tan. "Our creed is to help people live safer and more secure lives by making auto insurance easily accessible to every man on the street through our well-entrenched, diversified and strategic distribution network." Liberty Insurance offers a variety of comprehensive risk protection services ranging from medical health insurance and personal accident plans to business protection packages covering extensive risks such as fire, burglary, plate-glass breakage and employer liability. Most significantly, the company specialises in complete motor insurance plans for motorcycles, large commercial vehicles and private cars - a segment through which it derives 80 per cent of its business. Through its strategic local distribution network comprising five regional offices, 25 branches, 123 franchise holders and franchise dealers, and more than 1,800 agents, the company's widespread presence ensures easy insurance accessibility. Clients can rely on the high emphasis that Liberty Insurance puts on good customer service and stakeholder relationships. As an example of its expansive reach, Liberty Insurance encompasses a partnership with approximately 700 Malaysian post offices - ensuring that even Malaysians in rural towns can have direct access to insurance services. "Helping people protect themselves and their possessions and being able to offer insurance at a fair price to the masses - I think that's a lot to be proud of," Tan says. "We are a business and thus want to reward shareholders with a good bottom line. But as a socially responsible company, we also want our business strategy to contribute something back to every person on the streets, and we do this by making our insurance plans as readily available as possible." Liberty Insurance also maintains mutually beneficial relationships with business partners such as DRB-HICOM, owner of carmaker Proton in Malaysia; and United Overseas Bank. The company is also an insurance partner of Malaysian electronic government services provider MyEG Services and a bancassurance partner of Bank Simpanan Nasional. In anticipation of the AEC, Liberty Insurance Malaysia has the advantage of adapting the best practices of other Liberty operations in Asia such as Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam and China. As part of the Liberty Mutual Group - a diversified insurer headquartered in Boston with operations in 30 countries around the world - the company is prepared to abide by the AEC's catchphrase of "thinking globally, prospering regionally". "We see ourselves as a leading Malaysian auto insurance company," Tan says. "We are now part of a global brand, and with a name like Liberty on our side, that glass ceiling as a local entity has been shattered. We see positive growth within the AEC such as synergies and cross-referrals of businesses, and welcome future opportunities." Read the original article here

Taking on the larger players in the industry

THE EDGE 1 February 2016– Liberty Insurance Bhd. is transforming itself to compete head-to-head with the big boys in the industry. “We are now a global company with more room to grow and a bright future. We can now leverage the parent’s global experience and expertise to come out with more and better products for our customer” - David Tan, CEO

Taking on the larger players in the industry - an interview with CEO David Tan on The Edge.

Announcement on Travel to Hong Kong

In recent months there have been multiple incidents of civil unrest in Hong Kong, which had led to flight disruptions and issuance of travel advisory warnings regarding travel to the country. The general mass media has made extensive coverage on this situation, hence the situation is now regarded as a “known event”. 

Therefore, any claims arising from the situation in Hong Kong for policies purchase on or after 14th August 2019 will not be covered. 

Customer(s) may submit a policy cancellation request (which covering Hong Kong) to us via our servicing agents or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for policy cancellation premium refund. 

For any further enquiries, please contact our Customer Service at 1300-888-990 (Mon-Fri 8.30am to 5.15pm). 

Or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For Emergency Assistance while overseas, please contact our 24/7 Travel Assistance line at +603 7965 3977.

Business As Usual at Liberty Insurance with Precautionary Measures

As we face the COVID-19 global pandemic together, we at Liberty Insurance would like to assure you that we will continue to provide our highest standards of service whilst managing our current operational challenges. 

In our commitment to ensure that business partners and customers remain our priority and minimizing business interruption, you may contact us via:

1. Our business partners or any of our authorised agents to purchase a new policy or renewal
2. Walk-in to the nearest Liberty Branch or Agency
3. Online at to purchase a new policy or renewal
4. Email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5. Customer Helpline at 1300-888-990 or 03-2619 9000 for general queries
6. Dial 1800-88-5005 for Emergency Roadside Assistance services

As part of our social responsibility in preventing the spread of the virus, we encourage customers and business partners to abide by the Restricted Movement Order which was announced by our Prime Minister on 16 March 2020. We also strongly advocate social distancing, replacing hand shakes with polite hand gestures, practicing good personal hygiene by regularly cleaning your hands with alcohol-based hand rubs and hand soaps. 

Most importantly, please seek immediate medical attention should you feel unwell or exposed to someone who has contracted the virus. 


Operasi Perniagaan Berjalan Seperti Biasa di Liberty Insurance dengan Langkah Berjaga-Jaga

Seperti yang semua sedia maklum, kita sedang menghadapi pandemik COVID-19 secara global. Di Liberty Insurance, kami memberi jaminan akan terus menyediakan perkhidmatan terbaik disamping menangani cabaran di dalam operasi perniagaan pada ketika ini. 

Di dalam komitmen kami bagi memastikan rakan kongsi dan pelanggan kekal menjadi keutamaan serta mengurangkan sebarang gangguan dalam operasi perniagaan, anda boleh menghubungi kami melalui:

1. Rakan kongsi atau ejen sah kami untuk membeli atau memperbaharui polisi
2. Melawat Cawangan Liberty atau wakil agensi yang terdekat
3. Laman sesawang kami di untuk membeli atau memperbaharui polisi
4. E-mel di This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5. Talian khidmat pelanggan di 1300-888-990 atau 03-2619 9000 untuk pertanyaan am
6. Hubungi 1800-88-5005 untuk Khidmat Bantuan Kecemasan di Jalan Raya

Sebagai sebahagian daripada tanggungjawab sosial kami dalam menghalang penyebaran virus ini, kami menyaran semua pelanggan dan rakan kongsi kami untuk mematuhi Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan yang diumumkan oleh Perdana Menteri pada 16 Mac 2020. 

Kami juga amat menekankan kepentingan jarak sosial, menggantikan amalan berjabat salam dengan tanda hormat ucapan salam iaitu meletakkan tangan kanan di dada kiri, mengamalkan tahap kebersihan diri yang tinggi dengan kerap mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun dan bahan pencuci tangan berasaskan alkohol. 

Perkara terpenting adalah dapatkan rawatan perubatan segera sekiranya anda berasa tidak sihat atau terdedah kepada seseorang yang menghidapi virus tersebut.

Kajang Branch Relocation

Dear Esteemed Business Partners,

To be more effective and efficient in our service level to you, we would like to inform you that our branch in Kajang will relocate all its operations to head office effective 24 April 2020.

The new set-up at head office will continue to improve the efficiency of our services to our policyholders where there will be a better access to our internal expertise pertaining to Underwriting, Claims, Customer Care and other related support.

For any enquiries, please contact our customer care personnel at:

Tel: 03 2619 9000 or 1 300 888 990

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Contact Us

1300 888 990 or 03-2619 9000

24/7 Emergency Roadside Assistance
1-800-18-5423 (for Honda Vehicle Owners)

24/7 Worldwide Emergency Medical
or Travel Advice Assistance
Hotline 603 7965 39 77

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