Owning a Home Insurance is Crucial Now More Than Ever?

Published in Business Today on 4 August 2022

(photo credit: architectureartdesigns.com)

Home is where the heart is and for most, a home is where one can find comfort and solace. That said, doesn’t it make perfect sense to safeguard and protect one’s most precious asset – their home? With a proper insurance plan in place, precious valuables and priceless belongings in the house can be safeguarded from any untoward incidents. Victims of
such unfortunate circumstances would also not be left in a financial lurch as repair cost mounts.

In a tropical country like Malaysia, getting a proper house insurance coverage is pivotal. If anything, a lesson should be learnt from the most recent flooding that wreaked havoc on thousands of houses in Selangor where many have lost their homes. Based on reports, thousands of flood victims with an estimated damage cost of at least RM20 billion were left with huge repair bills and no means of paying for it.

Yet, there are many Malaysians that are deeply underinsured and uninsured for weather-related perils, especially the B40 groups who see insurance as a luxury rather than a necessity.

Based on the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DoSM), Malaysia reported a loss of about RM6.1 billion due to floods in 2021. Meanwhile, the Selangor Fire and Rescue Department dealt with 8,814 fires involving buildings and properties in the state in 2021. In the same period, some RM347.7 million in losses to fire were recorded, increasing from RM297.9 million losses in 2020. The most common causes of fire breakouts in residential houses include cooking or boiling water left unattended, leaking gas regulators and hoses, short circuits due to electrical wiring and the use of uncertified electrical equipment.

“With these rampant natural disasters hitting thousands nationwide annually, it is about time this mindset about the importance of insurance be changed. It is our hope at Liberty Insurance that all homeowners be educated about the importance of home insurance and what to look out for in terms of coverage. That way, more homeowners and their homes can be thoroughly protected and covered by insurance if and when natural disaster strikes or an untoward incident occurs like theft for instance,” said Liberty Insurance Berhad Commercial Lines Head, Foo Yong Chiat.

Houseowner or Householder Insurance Policy?
For most insurance packages, there are two aspects to a home insurance plan to look into – the Houseowner plan and the Householder plan. What is the difference? Simply put, the houseowner policy usually covers the house structure that includes walls, ceiling, roof, fixtures and others. Meanwhile, the householder policy covers the content in the house like furniture and so on. Both the insurance policies are equally important and with both policies in hand, home owners can rest easy knowing that their most precious belongings are safeguarded at all times.

Other things to look into for a holistic home insurance plan include coverage for natural instances such as disaster relief including fire, lightning, windstorm, earthquake and floods. These are important key factors to note, especially where fire, lightning and floods are concerned in Malaysia. Another thing to look out for is if the coverage includes sudden impact situations where your house may be damaged by road vehicles, animals or domestic gas explosions.

If the home is being rented out, there are also plans that cover rental loss, theft and even damages caused by overflowing water tanks or burst water pipes. If this basic coverage is not sufficient, then be sure to look out for add-ons to the policy that covers landslip especially for houses on a hill for example.

While the exterior of the house is well covered and protected, the insides must be equally protected too. Precious belongings like furniture, electrical appliances, kitchen equipment, clothing, personal effects and valuables should be well covered by a proper insurance plan. Other items like cash, jewellery, damage to lock and keys should also be included into the insurance plan.

To get all the above and more, Liberty Insurance offers both the home insurance plans that are holistic and comprehensive. Its Householder and Houseowner Insurance Policies cover all aspects and come with various add-ons to suit every home owner’s needs. If you are still unsure about how to choose an insurance package that encompasses all aspects, the knowledgeable Liberty Insurance agents are always on hand to guide a homeowner through the whole process and which plan suits them best.

What type of driver are you?

Published in Sinar Daily on 27 October 2022

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The roads are full of various types of drivers ranging from speedy drivers to the slow drivers, reckless drivers to distracted driver or the tailgaters.

Every driver has a different driving style, culture and personality — but how can you tell what type of driver you are based on the way you drive? Learn who the seven types of drivers are, their characteristics and how best to deal with them.


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Speedy drivers are the most aggressive and common type of drivers, they switch lanes swiftly and behave like they are the only ones on the road.

Speedsters are out to feel the thrill of the ride and to break all the speed rules. They love the rush of tailgating, forcefully overtaking others who are keeping to the speed limits. However, speeding can also cause a driver to lose control, swerve easily as when a vehicle is moving too quickly, its overall traction with the road is lowered.


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Slow ones believe it is always good to drive slowly. Although driving slowly and carefully is appropriate in many situations, this type of driver can definitely be a hazard to your safety and sanity.

Not only do they drive way below the speed limit, they also cause other drivers to hit their emergency brakes just to avoid colliding with them. It's usually the tailgating and premature braking that lead to accidents.


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If you are driving along and come across a nervous driver, avoid accelerating quickly and swerving around them. Indicate early to show them that you are slowing down, keep a safe distance, and they should relax.


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These drivers are always multi-tasking, that includes texting, making calls, eating or drinking, browsing on Facebook, and even skyping while driving and it feels like driving is the last thing on their mind.

Like it or not, these drivers can be some of the biggest hazards on the road. They can cause accidents simply by their simple mistake of glancing at their phone quickly. This can result in a BANG!


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Flashing lights, obscene gestures and language, and bursting blood vessels are tell-tale signs of the road rage.

This is a popular class of driving behaviour that can be described as "driving in anger", where the driver is likely to lose control of their car and be at risk of injury or worse, if the driver brakes suddenly or swerves onto the wrong side of the road.


Seems like these types of drivers like to sit too close to the steering wheel?

While rare, they do exist. They let everyone merge into their lane, never honks at anyone and are law abiding drivers. They are very respectful to all traffic rules and are also very tolerant of other reckless drivers on the road. They are very patient and will always give way at an intersection, even if it is their right of way.


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Here’s why you should put that lipstick on before you get behind the wheel.

If you’re behind the person applying makeup, stay behind them. That might be the safest place to be as you can react to sudden movements in front of you. She’s not going to rear-end you if she’s in front of you.

Drivers should be educated to take precautions against these types of drivers as they have the ability to negatively impact one’s day.

However, it is important that you don’t try to compete with them and the best approach is to stay miles away from them because they are unpredictable by nature.

No matter how careful you are on the road, you will still never be able to foresee unforeseen circumstances. Having motor vehicle insurance is a great way to safeguard yourself and those who rely on you.

An example of an insurance would be Liberty Insurance. Its Private Car EZY Plus Comprehensive insurance is a holistic coverage plan that includes personal accident, medical expenses, key replacement and child seat replacemetn.

Liberty Insurance got you covered! Their Private Car EZY Plus – Comprehensive insurance is a holistic coverage plan that includes personal accident, medical expenses, key replacement and child seat replacement. Find out more at visit www.libertyinsurance.com.my.

Know your seven types of drivers


KUALA LUMPUR: There are lots of different types of drivers on the road.

Some people drive smoothly and calmly, while others cut you off, flash their lights and honk out of anger.

In a public service announcement, Liberty Insurance said it was important for drivers to be aware of their actions and how their driving affects other drivers, pedestrians and cyclists.

"The more we talk about the dangers of driving and its impact on other people, the more effective it is for preventing accidents from occurring.

"Every driver has a different driving style, culture and personality — but how can you tell what type of driver you are based on the way you drive?" the company said.

Learn who the seven types of drivers are, their characteristics and how best to deal with them.

1. The Speedster
Speedsters are out to feel the thrill of the ride and to break all the speed rules. They love the rush of tailgating, forcefully overtaking others who are keeping to the speed limits. However, speeding can also cause a driver to lose control, and swerve easily as when a vehicle is moving too quickly, its overall traction with the road is lowered.

2. The Sloths
It may be hard to believe, but this type of driver can definitely be a hazard to your safety and sanity. Not only do they drive way below the speed limit, they also cause other drivers to hit their emergency brakes just to avoid colliding with them. It's usually the tailgating and premature braking that lead to accidents.

3. The Nervous Driver
If you are driving along and come across a nervous driver, avoid accelerating quickly and swerving around them. Indicate early to show them that you are slowing down, keep a safe distance, and they should relax.

4. The Engrossed Driver
Like it or not, these drivers can be some of the biggest hazards on the road. They can cause accidents simply by their simple mistake of glancing at their phone quickly. This can result in a BANG!

5. The Road Rager
This is a popular class of driving behaviour that can be described as 'driving in anger', where the driver is likely to lose control of their car and be at risk of injury or worse, if the driver brakes suddenly or swerves onto the wrong side of the road.

6. The Obediently Kind Driver
While rare, they do exist. They let everyone merge into their lane, never honks at anyone and are law abiding drivers. They are very respectful to all traffic rules and are also very tolerant of other reckless drivers on the road. They are very patient and will always give way at an intersection, even if it is their right of way.

7. The Makeup Artist
Stay behind them. If you’re behind the person applying makeup, that might be the safest place to be as you can react to sudden movements in front of you. The makeup artist is not going to rear-end you if the person in front of you.

"No matter how careful you are on the road, you will still never be able to foresee unforeseen circumstances.

"Having motor vehicle insurance is a great way to safeguard yourself and those who rely on you," the company said.

Liberty Insurance's Private Car EZY Plus - Comprehensive insurance offers a holistic coverage plan that includes personal accident, medical expenses, key replacement and child seat replacement.

Aside from this, the plan also has add-ons that include coverage for Flood Allowances, 24-hours unlimited mileage towing, side mirror damage and others.

Get insured with Liberty as you may just stand a chance to participate in their future campaigns.

Recently, Liberty’s Kaw Kaw campaign came to a close with multiple winners taking home amazing prizes such as cars, motorcycles, mobile phones and e-vouchers.

To find out more about Liberty’s Motor Insurance, visit www.libertyinsurance.com.my.

Implementation of Service Tax


Following the recent announcement by the Ministry of Finance to introduce Service Tax, Liberty Insurance Berhad will begin to collect the 6% Service Tax from 1 September 2018, being the implementation date of the Service Tax under the Service Tax Act 2018. You may refer to the website of the Royal Malaysian Customs Department for further information.


Berikutan pengumuman baru-baru ini oleh Kementerian Kewangan untuk memperkenalkan Cukai Perkhidmatan, Liberty Insurance Berhad akan mula mengutip Cukai Perkhidmatan 6% mulai 1 September 2018, iaitu tarikh pelaksanaan Cukai Perkhidmatan di bawah Akta Cukai Perkhidmatan 2018. Anda boleh merujuk kepada laman web Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia untuk maklumat lanjut.

Liberalisation of Motor Insurance / Takaful

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