Stamp Duty Exemption

Stamp Duty Exemption

We would like to notify that there is a refund amount on Stamp Duty related to your policy. This is due to the announcement by the Government of Malaysia in the National Budget 2022 on the Stamp Duty exemption for the purchase of Individual and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) policies for selected Non-Motor class, from 1/1/2022 until 31/12/2025.

Please refer to the table below:

Subsidiary Legislation Eligible Person Type of Insurance Value of the Annual Premium

Stamp Duty (Exemption) (No. 16) Order 2021



  • Fire Insurance;
  • Fire Business Interruption Insurance;
  • Personal Accident Insurance;
  • Travel Insurance;
  • Liability Insurance; and
  • Engineering Insurance.

Not exceeding RM150

Stamp Duty (Exemption) (No. 15) Order 2021

Micro-enterprise or small and medium enterprises (as may be determined by the National Entrepreneur and Small and Medium Enterprises Development Council)

Not exceeding RM250

If you have paid the RM10 stamp duty for any of the exempted policies above, please provide the required details and the refund will be effected after receipt of your complete information.

Please revert to us with your contact and bank account details required to facilitate the payment by filling in the Interbank Giro (IBG) form attached here.

You may contact our Hotline at 1 300 888 990 or email us at  for further clarification.

Thank you.